‘Ghayar’is always dedicated and responsible to supplying the original parts & accessories to the customer the best and competitive price than the market. In fact, we're confident that you won't find any car parts anywhere less than the ‘Ghayar’ website price.
Many people would have to believe that to get the best parts for your car, you have to pay the highest prices - but we are different than others.
Here at ghayar.ae, we supply quality parts and accessories at lowest prices. As part of our Price Match Promise, we guarantee that we'll beat or match the price of any product you find for less elsewhere.
In order to take advantage of this promise, the product must adhere to the following criteria
• It must be the same brandIf you do find the same product for less anywhere else on the web, please make a note of the brand, part number, and the website on which it is advertised. Please then call us on 800 442522 or email us at [email protected]
We try our level best to match the price of every product. However, we reserve the right not to do so under certain conditions.